Cleanliness Policy
Employee & Guest Health
Guests and employees will be advised to practice physical distancing by standing at least six feet away from other. Restaurant tables and other physical layouts will be arranged to ensure appropriate distancing. Employees will be reminded not to touch their faces and to practice physical distancing by standing at least six feet away from guests and other employees whenever possible. All resort outlets will comply with, or exceed, local or state mandated occupancy limits.
Hand sanitizer dispensers, touchless whenever possible, will be placed at key guest and employee entrances and contact areas such as reception areas, lodge lobby, restaurant entrances, meeting and banquet spaces, pools and exercise areas.
All employees have been instructed to wash their hands, or use sanitizer when a sink is not available, every 60 minutes (for 20 seconds) and after any of the following activities: using the restroom, sneezing, touching the face, blowing nose, cleaning, eating, drinking, going on break and before starting a shift.
There will be health, hygiene and social distancing reminders throughout the property including handwashing, social distancing and mask usage.
Signage will be posted throughout the property reminding employees of the proper way to wear, handle and dispose masks, use gloves (in positions deemed appropriate), wash hands, sneeze and to avoid touching their faces.
Our employees have been given clear instructions on how to respond swiftly and report all presumed cases of COVID-19 on property to the Monterey County Health Department (MCHD). We will be ready to provide support to our guests. Employees are instructed to stay home if they do not feel well and are instructed to contact a manager if they notice a coworker or guest with a cough, shortness of breath, or other known symptoms of COVID-19. Employees and guests who are exhibiting any of the symptoms of COVID-19 while at the property are instructed to immediately notify their manager (employees) or Front Desk (guest).
If we are alerted to a presumptive case of COVID-19 at the resort, we will work with the MCHD to follow the appropriate actions recommended by it.
Employee’s Responsibilities
Quail Lodge & Golf Club Employees are vital for an effective health and sanitation program.
Correct hygiene and frequent handwashing with soap is vital to help combat the spread of virus. All employees have been instructed to wash their hands, or use sanitizer when a sink is not available, every 2 hours (for 20-seconds) and after any of the following activities: using the restroom, sneezing, touching the face, blowing the nose, cleaning, sweeping, mopping, smoking, eating, drinking, going on break and before or after starting a shift.
All employees will receive training on COVID-19 safety and sanitation protocols with more comprehensive training for our teams with frequent guest contact including Housekeeping, Food & Beverage, Front Office, Golf, Greens departments and Engineering.
Appropriate PPE will be worn by all employees based on their role and responsibilities and in adherence to state or local regulations and guidance. Training on how to properly use and dispose of all PPE will be mandatory. Every employee entering the resort will be required to wear a mask while on property. Gloves will be provided to employees whose responsibilities require them including housekeeping and public area attendants, Guest Service Agents and Servers.
All Employees must follow Monterey County guidelines regarding mask usage. All employees in guest facing positions must wear masks regardless of workplace location or task. All other employees are required to wear facemask when social distancing is not possible.
Employee pre-shift meetings will be conducted virtually or in areas that allow for appropriate physical distancing between employees. Larger departments will stagger employee arrival times to minimize traffic volume in back of house corridors. Hand sanitizer will be available at each timeclock location and employees will be required to sanitize their hands after clocking in. Our management team will ensure constant communication, changes to this program and proper PPE and sanitation procedures are followed and updated per the latest expert guidance.
The Guest Journey
✓ Guests will enter the Lodge or clubhouse through doors that are either propped open, or automated.
✓ Guest requiring a bell cart can request one at the Front Desk and one will be made available to them. Bell carts will be sanitized prior to handing them over and the guest is kindly asked to inform us when done so we may retrieve the bell cart to be placed back and sanitized after use.
✓ When possible, guests will be met curbside and given their welcome packet including keys, map and welcome card with instructions on how to communicate with staff at all hours of the day using their own personal device.
✓ A small bottle of hand sanitizer has been placed in the guest room for use.
✓ A spray bottle of sanitizer or wipes will be available for guest use.
✓ Hand sanitizing stations have been placed at all entrances, Lodge and Clubhouse, Public and on-course bathrooms, starter podium, all water stations.
Cleaning Products and Protocols
Our hotels use cleaning products and protocols which meet EPA guidelines and are approved for use and effective against viruses, bacteria and other airborne and bloodborne pathogens. We are working with our vendors, distribution partners and suppliers to ensure an uninterrupted supply of these cleaning supplies and the necessary PPE.
The frequency of cleaning and sanitizing has been increased in all public spaces with an emphasis on frequent contact surfaces including, but not limited to, front desk check-in counters, door handles, public bathrooms, room keys and locks, stair handrails, gym equipment, dining surfaces and seating areas.
Industry leading cleaning and sanitizing protocols are used to clean guest rooms, with particular attention paid to high-touch items including television remote controls, toilet seats and handles, dispensers, door and furniture handles, water faucet handles, nightstands, telephones, light switches, temperature control panels, alarm clocks, luggage racks and flooring.
All bed linen and towels will continue to be washed at a high temperature and in accordance with CDC guidelines. Dirty linen will be bagged in the guest room to eliminate excess contact while being transported to the laundry facility. Linen will be distributed to guest rooms in prepackaged sets. A member of the Health & Hygiene Committee visits the external laundry facility to ensure strict standards of hygiene and the highest disinfection standards are in place.
The frequency of cleaning and sanitizing will also increase in high traffic back of house areas with an emphasis on the employee dining rooms, employee restrooms, loading docks, offices and kitchens.
Shared tools and equipment will be sanitized before, during and after each shift or anytime the equipment is transferred to a new employee. This includes phones, radios, computers and other communication devices, payment terminals, kitchen implements, engineering tools, safety buttons, folios, cleaning equipment, printers, scanners, copiers, keys, time clocks and all other direct contact items used throughout the resort.
Room Recovery Protocol
In the event of presumptive case of COVID-19 the guest’s room will be removed from service and quarantined. The guest room will not be returned to service until case has been confirmed or cleared. In the event of a positive case, the room will only be returned to service after undergoing an enhanced sanitization protocol by a licensed third-party expert and approval by the MCHD.
Air Filter and HVAC Cleaning
The frequency of air filter replacement and HVAC system cleaning has been increased and fresh air exchange will be maximized.
Locations for the Distribution of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
✓ Front Desk
✓ Starter Podium
✓ Pro-Shop
✓ Club Reception
✓ Lodge Assistant Manager Office
✓ Housekeeping
✓ Engineering
✓ Kitchen
✓ Greens
Physical Distancing
Throughout the resort we meet or exceed state and local health authority guidelines on proper physical distancing.
Any area where guests or employees’ queue will be clearly marked for appropriate physical distancing. This includes check-in, check-out, restaurants, golf Pro-Shop and Starter Podium. workstations are separated between employees to ensure physical distancing.
Restaurants and bars will reduce seating capacities to allow for a minimum of six feet between each seated group/party of guests.
Golf Shop and Starter Podium areas have been arranged to allow for social distancing. Floor and pavement markers have been placed and signage will indicate players where to position themselves. Players are to check-in at the podium to reduce traffic in Golf Shop.
Meeting and banquet set-up arrangements will allow for physical distancing between guests in all meetings and events based on CDC and state recommendations. Self-serve buffet style food service will be suspended and replaced by alternative service styles.
Pools are open with restrictions including social distancing and mask recommendations.
Physical distancing protocols will be used in the employee dining rooms, shared office spaces and other high-density areas in order to ensure appropriate distancing between employees.
Cleaning and Sanitizing Protocol
✓ Sanitize all guest touchpoints after each transaction including EMV Credit Card Devices, pens and registration countertops
✓ Room keys to be sanitized before stocking
✓ Offices, desks, counters, workspaces and related equipment (including radios) to be sanitized at least once every four hours or upon a new employee using the equipment or shift change
✓ Bikes, wheelchairs and other guest amenities to be sanitized after each use
Guest Considerations
✓ Discontinue print magazine and newspaper services throughout the property. Guests will have access to Press-Reader on their own devices.
✓ All packages will be sanitized upon arrival to property and placed in sealed single-use plastic bags
✓ Guest packages delivered to the rooms will be placed outside the guest room, the delivery person will call the room and then wait six feet away to ensure the package is retrieved
✓ Entry doors to be propped open to minimize guest contact
✓ Self service ice machines to be suspended and signage posted indicating ice is available through Front Desk
Physical Distancing Protocol
✓ Floor indicators are in place to provide appropriate six-foot intervals
✓ Workstations have been separated 6ft apart
✓ Implement peak period queueing procedures, including a Lobby Greeter, when the number of guests exceeds the lobby capacity
✓ Guest laundry and dry-cleaning services available using contactless pick-up and delivery protocols
✓ Guest amenity deliveries will be delivered with contactless procedures whenever possible
Cleaning & Sanitizing Protocol
✓ Chaise lounge chairs to be sanitized after each use
✓ Towel desk and counters to be sanitized at least once per 4 hours
Physical Distancing Protocol
✓ Chaise lounge chairs set with appropriate physical distancing
Guest Considerations
✓No department specific requirements
Golf Operations
✓ Golf carts to be sanitized before and after each round by a designated cart ‘pit crew’
✓ Member stored clubs to be sanitized before and after each round
✓ One player per cart unless immediate family members and/or following updates on guidance from local authorities
✓ Driving range stalls have been spaced 10ft apart.
✓ All common touch points such as club washing bins and towels, den caddies, ball washers and bunker rakes have been removed.
✓ Member preferred times will still be reserved, but until all restrictions are lifted, Quail Lodge will not conduct any organized tournament or member event. Members may arrange their own game.
✓ Golfers may play “preferred lies” in the bunkers. Players may also decide to take the ball out of the bunker (drop behind the bunker) and add a penalty stroke.
Public Areas
✓ Special dedicated staff are sanitizing on rotational schedule of high traffic areas and frequent touch point such as, but not limited to; doorknobs and handles, chair railings, counter tops, door, exterior benches, trash receptacles etc.
✓ Clear signage will indicate that sanitation is on-going in the specific area to advice guests to adhere to social distancing.
✓ No department specific requirements.
✓ Carts, trolleys and equipment to be sanitized at the start and end of each shift
✓ Guest linen will be delivered and removed from guest rooms in single use sealed bags
✓ Back of house restrooms will be sanitized at least once every four hours
✓ Industry leading cleaning and sanitizing protocols are used to clean guest rooms, with particular attention paid to high-touch items including television remote controls, toilet seats and handles, dispensers, door and furniture handles, water faucet handles, nightstands, telephones, light switches, temperature control panels, alarm clocks, luggage racks and flooring.
✓ Use color coded towels to clean common items to limit cross contamination.
✓ Housekeeping will not clean rooms when guest or pet is present; guest room attendants will offer to return at an alternate time for occupied rooms
✓ Ancillary items such as pen, paper pad, guest directory and magazines have been removed and are available upon request.
✓ Extra pillows and blankets stored in the guest room closets will be removed and available upon guest request
✓ Newspapers and magazines will continue to be provided through Press-Reader for guests to access on their own devices
✓ All reusable collateral to be removed from rooms; critical information to be placed on single use collateral
✓ Disposable collateral to be disposed and changed after each guest
✓ Air handling and AC units receive weekly maintenance check and deep cleaning.
✓ Bed linen will only be replaced after check-out or after the 3rd night of guest stay unless requested to reduce cross contamination. All linen removed and delivered to the room come and go in sealed bags.
✓ Guests have the option to opt-out of daily service should they wish to do so.
✓ All guest belongings will only be touched by staff with gloves and only when necessary.
Wellness and Fitness
This area is currently open.
This area is currently open.
Food and Beverage
Cleaning & Sanitizing Protocol
✓ All front and back of house high contact surfaces such as host podium, service stations, service carts, beverage stations, counters, handrails and trays to be sanitized frequently and logged by manager
✓ Server stations to be assigned to a single server where possible and sanitized between each user and before and after each shift. If multiple servers are assigned to a station, servers will sanitize their hands after each use
✓ Dining tables, bar tops, stools and chairs to be sanitized after each use
✓ Condiments to be served in single use containers (either disposable or washed after each use)
✓ Check presenters, pens and all other reusable guest contact items to be either sanitized after each use or single use
✓ Menus will be available on single use paper or via QR code on guest personal device
✓ All porous placemats and table linen (including Chilewich style) have been removed at this time
✓ Storage containers are sanitized before and after each use
✓ Food preparation stations are sanitized at the highest frequency and after each use
Physical Distancing Protocol
✓ Managers will enforce physical distancing at entries, waiting areas and queues (in addition to signage)
✓ Tables are placed 6 feet apart or as outlined in the Monterey County Guidelines
✓ Reduce bar stool count to provide appropriate physical distancing
Guest Considerations
✓ Reservations are strongly encouraged
✓ Guest will need to provide first and last name and contact phone number prior to being seated (if information not provided the guest will not be seated)
✓ All self-serve condiments and utensils to be removed and available from cashiers or servers
✓ All straws are wrapped
✓ Bar snacks will be served per individual guest and not shared by the table
✓ All food and beverage items to be placed on the table, counter or other surface instead of being handed directly to a guest
✓ Left-over containers will be provided and packed by dining guest
Catering and Banquets
✓ All shared equipment and meeting amenities to be sanitized before and after each use, or be single use if not able to be sanitized
✓ All linen, including underlays, to be replaced after each use
✓ Clean and soiled linens to be transported in sealed single use plastic bags into and out of the meeting rooms
✓ Seating capacities and floor plans to be reviewed on an event by event basis to ensure appropriate physical distancing that follows Monterey County Fire Department, MCHD and CDC guidelines (in coordination with Hotel Sales)
✓ All buffet and self-serve style events to be suspended until further notice
✓ All food and beverage items to be individually plated and served
✓ Coffee and other break items to be attended and served by a server
✓ Flatware to be provided as a roll-up
✓ Condiments to be served in individual PCs or sanitized individual containers
✓Individual bottled water will be provided in lieu of water carafes on meeting tables and water stations
Cleaning & Sanitizing Protocol
✓ Sanitize conference room doors, tables, chairs light switch and other equipment after each group use
Physical Distancing Protocol
✓ Site inspections and meetings will be done virtually and/or appropriately physically distanced
Guest Considerations
✓ Provide example of physically distanced floor plans (in coordination with Banquets)
✓ Post signage outside of meeting and events reminding guests of appropriate physical distancing guidelines
✓ All mail and packages are to be delivered through Lodge Office located to the left of the Lodge Front Door.
✓ All other deliveries such as food, beverage and bulk supplies are to be delivered on the 100-side receiving area.
✓ Receiving area is washed down and sanitized daily
✓ Mask usage for delivery personnel is mandatory before entering receiving area
✓ Outside delivery personnel are not to enter hotel premises beyond designated delivery area
✓ Suppliers and delivery companies are required to submit anti-virus procedures for hotel approval
✓ Food Deliveries: Unpack all food items, transfer from vendor-supplied containers to sanitized hotel containers. Food items are to be covered during storage and issuance
✓ Guest Parcels: Wiped down and sanitized upon receipt and placed in sealed single-use plastic bags for delivery to the guestrooms.